In the box above, enter your zip code, optional address, and delivery time.
Pick a restaurant from the list on the left and tell us what you'd like to order.
Check out, and you'll have your food within 30 to 60 minutes.
230 days ago
Great site, easy to use, great restaurant selection. I’ve never done food delivery before bc I don’t like Uber corporations.
355 days ago
Many thanks for your great website. It is the best!
359 days ago
You are the best!
378 days ago
Glad you deliver from hometown restaurants. Like knowing you started by women. Great staff if customer service is needed.
460 days ago
We've continued to use Kickback, steadily since the pandemic. Very rarely any delays or mix ups, your drivers are always friendly too. We love helping our local restaurants, and you make it easy.
461 days ago
Happy with your service! How can I tel what amount remains on my gift certificate?
461 days ago
I love your site, love that it’s local and y’all handle the damn thang!!
470 days ago